Malang - As future entrepreneurs and professionals, Animal Science students need to be introduced to the latest technological innovations used by the Livestock Industry. Therefore, UMM's Animal Science Study Program (PS) conducted expert lectures for 5th-semester students. This expert lecture was held offline at the Engineering Hall on the 6th floor of GKB 3, of UMM (10/01) by inviting speakers from Partners, namely drh. Iwan Juniawan premix division of PT. Mensana and S. Sutarjo, CEO of PT. Prosperous Treasure Barn. The event was also attended by the head of the Animal Science Study Program and a lecturer in feed technology courses. This event was opened directly by the head of the Animal Science Study Program. In his remarks, the Head of the Animal Science Study Program motivated the participants to be able to enjoy all the series of events and don't be shy to ask if they have any questions. Furthermore, it is hoped that participants will continue to adhere to health protocols.
This expert lecture with the theme of Technology and Innovation in the Poultry and Ruminant Feed Industry is a series of lectures on feed technology. The learning achievement of this material is that students can identify feed ingredients, formulate feed and produce feed independently, said the coordinator of the feed technology course, Prof. Dr. Ir. Prihartini, MP. IPU. In addition to expert lectures, this activity also exhibited feed created by 5th-semester Animal Science students. There were 12 groups, each producing at least one feed innovation product, said the course coordinator.
The lecture is divided into two sessions. The first session was about technology and innovation in the poultry feed industry presented by drh. Iwan Juniawan from PT. Mensana, and in the second session, was technology and innovation in the ruminant feed industry by the CEO of PT. Prosperous Treasure Barn. This expert lecture runs smoothly and interactively. Several participants also asked questions to increase their curiosity. In addition, some participants asked about the problems they felt in the world of animal science, such as the high price of corn and the potential use of cassava flour as animal feed.
At the end of the event, the speaker from PT Mensana appreciated the UMM Animal Science students who acquainted themself with the development of feed industry technology earlier. Furthermore, the CEO of PT. Lumbung Harta Makmur also praised that this event was well organized and neat, and the participants were very interactive. (ASI)