
Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science students can complete their Final Project in 4 ways, namely Thesis, Publication, Entrepreneurship, and Reasoning. Students can choose one of the 4 methods to use as a Final Project with the conditions given. The provisions in question are as follows:

Students carry out research activities in quantitative, qualitative and experimental form accompanied by supervisors with specific research objectives. For the title submission process and thesis guidance, please visit the following page: SIM-TA

Students can convert journals written both nationally and internationally as per the Table below provided the journal has been published and is the first author.  
No. Publication Qualification Conversion
1 International SJR Q1, Q2, Q3 Free thesis exam, final assignment grade A
International/National Proceedings indexed by Scopus Passed the thesis exam using the written material, final assignment grade was A
2 National Sinta 1 dan 2
3 International International Proceedings are not indexed by Scopus Take the thesis exam using the written material, but the grade depends on the exam results, not automatically an A
4 Nasional Sinta 3,4,5,6

Students who already have a business with a minimum omzet of 100 million per year can convert it as a final assignment provided that the business is privately owned. The conversion conditions are as follows:
No Entrepreneurship Income per Year Conversion
1 Livestock Sector >250 Billion Free thesis exam, final assignment grade A
Create a business portfolio
>150 -< 250 Billion Passed the thesis exam using the written material, final assignment grade was A
Create a business portfolio
>100 -< 150 Billion Take the thesis exam using the written material, but the grade depends on the exam results, not automatically an A
Create a business portfolio
2 Out of Livestock Sector >250 Billion Take the thesis exam using the written material, but the grade depends on the exam results, not automatically an A
Create a business portfolio

Students who have won the reasoning program during their studies at the UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science can be converted as a final project. The conversion conditions are as follows:
No Types of Reasoning Note Conversion
1 International LKTI Organized by a reputable organizer Can be recognized as a substitute for a final assignment with an A grade or conversion to 3 related courses with an A grade
The team investigates and determines the conversion decision
Write activity reports
2 National LKTI Organized by a reputable organizer Can be recognized as a substitute for a final assignment with an A grade or conversion to 1-2 related courses with an A grade
The team investigates and determines the conversion decision
Write activity reports
3 PIMNAS Champion (Gold) Belmawa Free thesis exam, final assignment grade A
Conversion of grades for 5 subjects related to A
Submit reports
4 PIMNAS Champion (Silver) Belmawa Free thesis exam, final assignment grade A
Conversion of grades for 3 subjects related to A
Submit reports
5 PIMNAS Champion (Bronze) Belmawa Free thesis exam, final assignment grade A
Conversion of grades for 1 subjects related to A
Write activity reports
