Carving Achievements: Wholesale The best ranking I and III in the Faculty Judiciary Period 3 in 2023

Monday, May 22, 2023 01:19 WIB

The UMM Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science held the Period II and III 2023 Judiciary at the Royal Orchid Batu Hotel, Monday (22/5). The event was also attended by the Dean of FPP Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM. M.Sc., IPU., ASEAN Eng and Deputy Dean I Ir. Henik Sukorini, M.P., Ph.D, Deputy Dean II Dr., Ir. Mochamad Chanan, MP , Deputy Dean III Dr. Hariyadi, S.Pi, M.Sc., Head of the Study Program and Secretary of the Study Program.

One of the candidates for the Best Graduate, Renny Yuliana expressed her joy when she was announced as the Best Graduate I at the 3rd Period Faculty Yudisium. Furthermore, Zilmi Nur Silviani, who also received the title of Best Graduate III, advised animal science students to continue to be enthusiastic about completing their studies.

Congratulations to all animal science students who have completed their studies and become the best graduates of Period II and III Judiciary in 2023. Good luck for your career and continue to contribute to improving livestock welfare and the sustainability of the livestock industry. (AD)
