1. Producing professional graduates who can master and develop research-based science and technology in the field of tropical livestock based on local potential based on Islamic values.
  2. Producing research products in the field of tropical livestock based on local potential based on Islamic values ​​which are published in accredited national, international, and international reputable journals.
  3. Producing community service and entrepreneurial products in the field of tropical livestock based on local potential based on Islamic values.
  4. Generate a network of cooperation with various parties to improve competence based on Islamic values ​​at the regional, national, and international levels.
  5. Producing a professional study program management based on Islamic values.


The Expected Learning Outcomes (Elo) were made based on the mission of the animal science department that the graduates will be able to:

  1. Apply the knowledge of the basic science related to animal production (ELO 1)
  2. Conduct various experiments which are related to animal science (ELO 2).
  3. Design an animal business system of which components and processes meet halal, health, and safety criteria within the constraints in economics, environment, social, politics, ethics and sustainability (ELO 3).
  4. Apply professional developing skills and ethical responsibility as well as abilities to engage in life-long learning (ELO 4).
  5. Apply interpersonal and teamwork skills effectively, set realistic targets and plans, allocate and evaluate the work done either individually or in a team (ELO 5).
  6. Demonstrate competence, behavior, time management, organization skills and attitude required in the professional world (ELO 6).
  7. Demonstrate competences in the use of computers as a means of communication and technology, as well as a source of information effectively (ELO 7).


  1. Professional Entrepreneur
  2.  Professional Staff


