The Animal science department in October 2021 has received a Superior Accreditation rating based on BAN-PT decision No. 11893/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/X/2021. The Animal science department has several excellent programs aimed at increasing the competence of graduates, such as Agropreneurship (Animal Husbandry Practices), Industrial Internships and competency certificates. In 2019, this department has a Poultry Professional Class (KPU), a learning Center of Excellence (CoE) program specifically designed to produce livestock graduates who have competencies related to poultry business management so that they are ready to enter the world of work and industry. In 2021, this department will start pioneering the 2nd superior class, namely the Ruminant Professional Class (KPR). KPR is set to get students who have special competence in the field of ruminant management. In order to achieve this target, the Department of Animal Husbandry already has a graduate competency-based curriculum set. Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) (freedom to learn) and the Center of Excellence (CoE). Graduates of the UMM animal husbandry study program will receive the academic title "Bachelor of Animal Husbandry (S.Pt.)".


