Poultry Professional Class

It is common knowledge that college graduates are not ready to enter the world of work yet, this is proven by the fact that when they are accepted to work in the industry, the company must first conduct training/apprenticeship before being given a job. It's also no secret that many undergraduate graduates work outside of the disciplines studied while on campus. All of this indicates that the competencies possessed by these graduates are not in accordance with the needs of the world of work and industry. The Poultry Professional Class Program (KPU) Animal Science Departmen, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science (FPP) University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) is a learning program specifically designed to produce undergraduates who have high competence, so they can enter the world of work and industry well. KPU students only specifically study poultry business management. This program was born against a background of two concerns, namely: first, graduates of animal husbandry graduates do not yet have good competence, making it difficult to enter the world of work. Second, between the world of higher education as a producer of an educated workforce and the industrial world as users there has never been a real collaboration in building competent human resources. Based on that concern, in 2018, the UMM FPP Animal Husbandry Study Program dared to capture the desires as well as challenges from PT. Charoen Pokphand who at that time was represented by Mr. Ir. Agung Budiyanto, IPU and PT. Jatinom Indah Agri represented by Mr. Hidayaturrahman, SE, to collaborate in building a learning system capable of producing highly competent livestock graduates so they are ready to enter the world of work and industry.
